Saturday, July 23, 2011


She's... she's everywhere... and she wants our BEER! Okay, let me explain. Ben buys a really good beer called Leinenkugel's that, when I first tasted it, made me wonder when people started making beer that was actual good tasting. Well one of their brews, Sunset Wheat, is to Athena's liking, at least the smell is. I'd never give my rat beer. Well, she likes the smell so much that she has taken to climbing inside both mine and Ben's mouths. She'll be sitting in my shirt and start clawing at my lips so I'll open them and she can lick all over where the smell is. Well, when I do she ends up nearly half-way in my mouth (as in half of her is in my mouth, just crawling around like nothing's up). It's insane. The Sunset Wheat has a touch of coriander in it, and I'm thinking that may be why she just goes nuts for it. I mean like a cat on catnip nuts for the smell of it. I wanted to make sure it was the smell and so, I put the bottle within smell range and she bolted for it and tried to carry it away in her mouth. Yeah... she's determined. No wonder she's been on the counter more times that my food today.

G'mornin, g'night or g'day

Afterthought: Why does cuteness make it seem like they didn't really do anything wrong?