Amid all the joy of starting a new job and having newborn rats, we also had a bit of tragedy. Our boy Dumble suffered a thrombotic stroke. He passed away this morning. We will always miss the biggest rat of them all.
When we got Dumble I first thought that maybe he was a domesticated black rat, being that he had a long tail and large eyes and ears. He was also small for his age. Come to find out through investigation that he was a dwarf rat. Ben and I have been so lucky with all of our rats and the milestones we've come across in pet stores. Dumble was not an exception, neither was his brother, Zeus. We always made silly jokes about Dumble being small then replying with, "I's not little! I'm just as big as any other rat! I take you on!"
He had that personality, always so bright and animated. Even near the end of his life he kept eating and drinking. After all, he was just as big as any other rat, he could take this on.
I'll miss him so much, I know Ben will. I showed him the picture above and he cried the entire time reading it. We've lost a light, but we still have so many more.
We'll miss you big guy. You were bigger than any other rat, never forget that.